Professor from University of Nottingham Earns Authorships by “Reviewing and Editing” Manuscripts, mostly with Tsinghua

YAN Yuying, a professor affiliated to both the University of Nottingham, UK, and the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, earned 11 authorships in 2024, with his contribution of “Writing – review & editing”. An investigation by the 5GH team reveals.

According to the records on Google Scholar, YAN have published 35 papers in 2024 (based on the issue time rather than the publication time), among 11 of which his contribution was stated and only stated as “Writing – review & editing”.

Most (8) of them were co-authored by CAO Bingyang, vice dean in the School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, and a winner for the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. The first author of these 8 papers was a same researcher, LUO Ding, with China Three Gorges University and Tsinghua University. It is reasonable to assume that LUO is currently a post-doctor and/or visiting researcher under the supervision of CAO.

The above-mentioned 11 papers as well as other 16 papers have one thing in common: although they were co-authored by multitype authors, YAN is the only one with the University of Nottingham. This indicates that the YAN’s team at University of Nottingham did not involve in the researches, and the YAN’s authorships on these 27 papers are problematic.

Until recently, the 5GH team hears nothing from YAN and related parties.

The 5GH team also finds that YAN’s publications on 3 of his special issues, namely, “3rd International Symposium of Fluids and Thermal Engineering” on Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, “Smart Solutions of Thermal Management and Innovative Technology Applied to Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics and Energy Systems” on e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, and “Challenges of micro and nano flow and structures for heat transfer enhancement and energy storage” on Case Studies in Thermal Engineering.

YAN published multitype papers on each special issue, which is against the policy from the publisher Elsevier, allowing its guest editor(s) to publish maximum one paper on each of their special issues.

Although the outcomes from our investigation do not suggest these papers were resulted from misconduct, however, the publications from YAN and his co-author LIU Zeyu with Dalian Maritime University are alerting.

Our investigation was initiated by an anonymous e-mail, pointing that 2 of the papers [1-4] co-authored by YAN and LIU et. al., had plagiarized image(s) from other papers, and plagiarism in LIU’s Ph.D. thesis. These misconducts were confirmed by the 5GH team, and both the source and the 5GH reported these issues to the journals and the universities. And we are waiting the reactions.

Update on 2024-08-03 (1) (in Chinese): we have a reply from LUO Ding as following










罗丁:那elsevier里面跟这个贡献有关的就是reviewing and editing,所以一直勾选的这个贡献


We hear no further reply from LUO

Update on 2024-08-03 (2) (in Chinese): we have further reply from LUO Ding as following

罗丁:您好,这主要是因为我的idea,特别是一些强化传热,比如热管之类的方法,都是从阎老师那边学过来的,但是对于出版商的贡献标识这块,我确实没怎么重视,就标了最合适的reviewing and editing,对于我从那边学到的这些强化传热方法,没有合适的contribution可选。。对这个署名贡献这块我表示抱歉


















[1] 10.1016/j.tsep.2018.08.015

[2] 10.1016/j.csite.2022.102160



[5] Supporting Information

Author: WU Guangheng

Founder and Chair of the 5GH Foundation


Document ID: 5GH-WuGH-20240801.001


Publication Date: 2024.08.02

This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License

XIN Xiaoping Published 8 Articles on Her MDPI Special Issue

There seem to be more problematic special issues by XIN

7 of 23 Articles in a Elsevier Special Issue Came from a Same Institution in China

Concerns are raised that XIN guest-edited the special issue to promote the publication from IARRP. But it may be another reason: XIN was not able to recruit enough articles, so that her friends in IARRP "helped" her. Or it may be other reasons we do not know yet. But the scientific community wants an answer to this question.