Dataset of Bullying in China
This dataset collects the data of (1) bullying prevalence, (2) negative outcomes of bullying victims, as well as the characteristics of bully perpetrators in China.
Data was extracted from academic papers published on journals, dissertations, book chapters, as well as government reports. Only original research papers are included, review papers, including meta-analysis, and other types of review, are not included in this dataset. Data from news reports is not included, either.
Please contact us (at: to acquire the latest version of the dataset. Processing fee is charged, and the amount of the processing fee is dependent on your institute and your purpose with this dataset. Discount is offered to the members of public institutes, including but limited to universities, and is offer to the purpose of academic research.
Please cite this dataset: 5GH Foundation, Dataset of Bullying Prevalence in China, 5GH-WuGH-20231218.001,
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