The Subscription Prices for 55% Elsevier Journals Increase

Recently, 1,959 Elsevier journals are open for subscription. The prices range from 0 to 28,248 US dollars per year. The price for "Applied Surface Science" reaches 28,248 USD in the year 2025, ranking the first, following by "Journal of Alloys and Compounds" (28,121 USD), "Science of the Total Environment" (25,330 USD), "Analytica Chimica Acta" (22,750 USD) and "Polymer" (22,490 USD). 164 journals (8.4%) are offered at prices over 10,000 USD per year.

However, these prices are for small institutions (with no academic activities) only. The prices for larger institutions may be higher, but are not openly available.

The subscription prices in 2025 for 838 of 1,531 journals (55%), whose subscription prices for both 2024 and 2025 are openly available, increase by 0.2% to 1,712.3%, compared to the prices in 2024; while the subscription prices for 614 of 1,531 journals (40%) decreases by 0.1% to 89%.

The subscription price growth rate for "Microelectronics Journal" reaches 1,712.3%, ranking the first among the Elsevier journals, following by "Journal of Molecular Structure" (446.4%), "Pratique Neurologique - FMC" (446.1%), "Journal of Network and Computer Applications" (285.0%), and "Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology" (267.5%).


[1] Subscription Prices for Elsevier Journals (2024 and 2025)

Author: WU Guangheng

Founder and Chair of the 5GH Foundation


Document ID: 5GH-WuGH-20241017.001

Publication Date: 2024.10.17

This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License

Elsevier's Material Science Journals Earn 600 Million USD Subscription Fee Each Year

We estimate that Elsevier earns about 600 million USD from the subscription for these journal each year.