Potential Misconduct on Journal of Integrative Neuroscience

Recently, we noticed potential misconduct on "Potential Misconduct on Journal of Integrative Neuroscience".

A Chinese social media user claims he/she was invited to submit a manuscript to the journal, and calls for someone to submit a manuscript instead of him/her. He/She asks for co-authorship of the manuscript, through he/she did not involve in the research.

Therefore, we are asking your journal for a further investigation about this matter.

Author: WU Guangheng

Founder and Chair of the 5GH Foundation

E-Mail: wu@5gh.org.cn

Document ID: 5GH-WuGH-20240517.001


Publication Date: 2024.05.17

This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License

A Malaysian Paper Mill Is Selling Authorship on Chinese Social Media

The 5GH team found that a Xiaohongshu account (ID: 1132185804) registered in Malaysia was selling authorship of academic papers

An Accepted IEEE Access Manuscript Is on Sale

According to posts on X, the authorship of an accepted manuscript by IEEE Access is on sale by a Facebook user

Students from Hubei University Founded and Operated the Hudiandian Paper Mill

Recently, the 5GH team found 3 academic papers with manipulated figure(s). All these papers were co-authored by the founder(s) of the Wuhan Hudiandian Technology Co., Ltd. (武汉胡电电科技有限公司), HU Shengnan (胡胜男), and/or LI Mengying (李梦颖). Further investigation suggests the Hudiandian company or its founder(s) sold the data, which was part of HU’s and LI’s researches at Hubei University when they were postgraduate students under the supervision of Dr. WU Huimin (吴慧敏). The 5GH team would like to name this paper mill as “Hudiandian Paper Mill” (“胡电电论文工厂”).



Two Potential Cases of Authorship-for-Sale on Surface Review and Letters

This message is from WU Guangheng with the 5GH Foundation, an independent research agency in Hong Kong. I am writing this e-mail in the hope of expressing our concerns about two papers, claimed to be submitted to your journal.